APT-0.6.44 and incremental updates

1 minute read

A new version of apt package has been uploaded to the unstable debian distribution. This new version supports incremental update of the package database which should result in considerably cutting down the local package database time.

The Debian Weekly News announced the release of a new apt version for unstable debian.

This new release of apt sound really good to me:), it has support for incremental update, therefore you take less time to apt-get update.

Dapper being the unstable side of ubuntu, I decided to give a try to compile it under Dapper, the whole process went fine.

As it is easier to maintain the system when the software is installed by using a .deb package I went and took the source from packages.debian.org , built it under dapper (only i386 sorry for the other folks :s) and updated Debuntu dapper deb’s repository.

changes: I had feedbacks from the ubuntu-devel mailing list. For many reasons, ubuntu repsitories are not going to follow this path as it won’t be compliant with their infrastructure.

Thanks Michael for your detailled explanations ;), read more from ubuntu-devel.

So, if you want to install and try apt-0.6.44 out on dapper, just follow the instructions from debuntu dapper deb’s repository and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Hope you like it :wink: