
How-To: Fight SPAM with Postfix RBL

2 minute read

Spam, spam everywhere! If you are hosting your own mail server, fighting spam can become tricky. Antispam solutions do catch a fair amount of them, but still...

How-To: WiFi roaming with wpa-supplicant

1 minute read

wpa_supplicant can be used as a roaming daemon so you can get your system to automatically connect to different network as you are going from one location to...

How-To: Setting up BGP on Vyatta

1 minute read

Vyatta is a Linux based distro that ease the set up of VPN, Routers, antivirus…. It has a really small footprint on your system as it only requires something...

How-To: Monitoring a Server with Munin

2 minute read

Munin is a simple to configure tool that make real nice graph about your server status. It can actually deal with almost any aspect of your server (load aver...

How To: Optimize MySQL response time

2 minute read

High loaded website can get slow to respond when a lot of different visitors visit sites querying the same mysql database server, making it slow to respond.

nload, a network traffic analyser

2 minute read

nload is a ncurse based network traffic analyser. Being a ncurse based tools, you do not need to start X in order to use that software which is necessary whe...

How-To: Postfix and Virtual Hosts

2 minute read

Postfix comes as the default mail server under ubuntu. By default, it is set such as it can basically send system notice mail to the user you predefined duri...

Mounting a fuse Filesystem from /etc/fstab

1 minute read

Earlier on, I showed how-to mount a remote filesystem with fuse, using a remote partition accessible by SSH. Since version version 2.4.0, it is possible to u...